The Vi Peel: We love it!
Diary of a Vi Peel: By Liz Janowski
About two months ago, we began to offer the ViPeel at Sonata Aesthetics in Broomfield, Colorado. We were impressed by its incredible, “skin changing” results, and medical-grade ingredient deck. This isn’t your frou-frou fruit acid peel. The Vi is designed to change your skin, and it will.
As the VP, I usually demo every treatment we have before we offer it to our clients. I want to make sure it is safe, effective, worth-the-money, and fits into our practice. I was definitely excited, and somewhat nervous to try the ViPeel. I’d heard tales of “sheets of peeling skin”, and while that is so satisfying, it can also be a little scary.
The ViPeel was first developed by a physician looking to treat his daughter’s recurrent acne. It is our most intensive and effective peel. We added it to our suite of peels for patients who want intense exfoliation, have acne issues, or have lots of skin discoloration. The Vi Peel is known for stopping breakouts, fading acne scars, and removing sun damage. Because it offers such an intense exfoliation, it has amazing anti-aging benefits. Anything that speeds up cell turnover, generates new collagen. Generating new collagen keeps the skin taut and youthful looking.
Each peel contains TCA, Tretinoic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, Vitamin C and a mineral blend which provides intense exfoliation and stimulates new collagen growth in the skin. The acne specific “Purify” peel also contains Benzoyl Peroxide to kill bacteria and Kojic Acid.
I did the peel late on a Friday afternoon. As far as peels go, it did not feel spicy or uncomfortable in its application. It does have a strong smell. The peel goes on easily, and leaves your skin with a sort of yellow-ish/tan hue. You want to leave the peel on your skin for at least 4 hours before washing it off. Because your skin is a little yellow/tan in hue, you may want to do the peel towards the end of the day, so you aren’t concerned about looking a little strange. I went back to work, to the grocery store, and to pick up my son from day care, all with the peel on my skin. I didn’t look my best, but no one noticed, and I honestly just looked a bit “tan”.
The Vi Peel’s effectiveness comes in part from the proprietary post-peel kits that we send home with our patients. The kits contain towelettes with additional peel activating solution on them. You must be religious about using the towelettes to get the most out of the peel. You use the first towelette 4 hours post-peel, another 1 hour before bed, and the third the following day. The towelettes definitely add a little “spice” to the peel, and greatly enhance the peel’s effectiveness. You must also be very cautious about avoiding direct sun exposure. I decided to ignore this rule and took my son for a walk and my face felt excessively hot.
I added my favorite Skin Medica Replenish Hydrate Cream to the kit to give my skin a little more moisture protection, as well as the Obagi Gentle Cleanser. You definitely DO NOT want to pick at your skin or try to scrub the dead skin off. It is so tempting, but you need to let the peel work its magic without assistance.
The day after the peel (Saturday) I didn’t notice any peeling. In fact, my skin looked amazing – tight and glowing. This is normal. The peel is working it’s magic deep in your skin. My husband and I had dinner plans on Saturday night, and just as we were heading out the door for dinner, I noticed the first “cracks” in my skin. Over the course of the evening, my skin started to crack (like an egg, I joked), and by the next (Sunday) morning, my skin was peeling. I usually peel around my mouth and nose with other peels, but with the ViPeel, I was peeling almost everywhere. It was a very satisfying feeling. I could literally see my dead, sun-damaged skin falling away.
By the 4th day post-peel, or Monday morning, I was peeling in my hair line and along the jaw. I could already see clearer, tighter skin emerging, and my troublesome large pores on the nose were shrinking away. By day 5, I was done peeling, and my skin was glowing. I received compliments that I looked younger, more rested, and more radiant. I felt confident and it was worth it.
Before Bedtime on Day 2 |
Day 3 |
Day 4 |
I loved the peel so much that I did it again 1 month later. The results of my second peel were even better. We recommend 4 ViPeels per year, but we do advice that you space them about by at least 4-6 weeks. Doing another peel too soon does not allow your skin enough time to recover. I encouraged all of my staff in our Broomfield, Colorado office to do the peel. They all peeled like crazy, and then were insanely in love with their results. Our beautiful medical assistant, Krystyna, who has struggled with acne breakouts for years, used the ViPeel to almost completely clear up her skin. She no longer needs heavy makeup. The ViPeel also helped fade her old acne scars.
I am now a ViPeel addict. I will be getting my ViPeel done quarterly to get rid of any accumulated sun damage, to speed up cell turnover, to prevent any hormonal breakouts, and to generate new collagen. We love the ViPeel, we are proud to offer it, and we know you will become a ViPeel addict as well!
Before ViPeel |
Day 4 |
After ViPeel |
Schedule a consultation with Sonata Aesthetics today. Serving Broomfield, Denver, Westminster, Boulder, Arvada, and surrounding areas.
Liz Janowski
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